Make the homeschool
home stretch
the best part of homeschooling.
Hi, I’m Amy Sharony, and I’m a secular homeschool nerd.
I think you can have it all: an engaging, academic homeschool that challenges kids to think deeper and get ready for advanced academics and a creative, student-led homeschool that’s as one-of-a-kind as your kid. You can learn big stuff and have big fun. I can help.
All you need to homeschool high school is a plan that can change and grow with you.
My Month-by-Month High School
Homeschool Planning Guide
Snag this FREE homeschool planner that boosts your confidence, focuses your homeschool, and helps you make sure that your homeschool is getting your kid ready for what they want to do next—plus I threw in some of my best goal-setting strategies and advice for high schoolers.
Feeling a little nervous-cited about homeschooling middle and high school?
Looking for decolonized secular homeschool curriculum and resources?
Eager to keep the homeschool magic all through in the homeschool home stretch?
You’re in the right place.
Homeschooling high school is my happy place.
Little kids are sweet, middle school is full of amazing growth, but high school is the sweet spot — here’s where all the work you’ve done getting to know your kid comes together, and you can really do the fun stuff. Stressing about credits, transcripts, and graduation shouldn’t get in the way! We make complete online classes if you want to outsource everything but the fun conversations, hands-on curriculum if your favorite part of homeschooling is learning together, and a library full of resources and support if you can’t wait to do it all.
We’re here to help you feel confident and excited about homeschooling high school.
We do the homeschool heavy lifting so you can do the fun stuff.
You can do this. We can help.
Learn right along with your teen. Our curriculum is designed to inspire big conversations, creative projects, and deep learning.
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Here’s your DIY homeschool support kit — get every single curriculum guide and homeschool resource we offer with your annual subscription.
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